Sunshine Quem Tenasco
Un si beau sourire
See below for English description.
Un soir, alors que Challa rentre à la maison en larmes après que l'on se soit moqué de son sourire, sa mère lui offre un cadeau spécial. Elle lui donne un miroir particulier, qui lui a été offert par sa propre mère, qui l’a elle-même reçu de sa djo djo, et lui explique que quand on regarde dans le miroir, on voit qui l’on est vraiment. Il n’y a qu’une règle à respecter : tous doivent dire ce qu’ils voient dans le miroir. Le miroir montrera-t-il à Challa combien elle est magnifique?
Cette histoire spéciale de la militante primée Sunshine Tenasco et de l’artiste Chief Lady Bird enseigne aux lecteurs que la vraie beauté vient de l’intérieur.
When Challa comes home in tears after being teased about her smile, her mom gives her a special gift. It’s a magic mirror — shiny, beaded and beautiful — passed on from her mom, and from her djo djo before her. Challa’s mom tells her that when anyone looks into the mirror, they will see their true self. There’s just one rule: Everyone has to say what they see in the reflection.
At first the mirror seems to work for everyone but her. Challa keeps looking and looking. The more beauty she sees in herself, the happier she feels, and the longer she looks into the mirror, the more beauty she sees, until finally Challa sees so much beauty, she can't contain her smile!
This special story, from award-winning activist Sunshine Quem Tenasco and artist Chief Lady Bird, introduces readers to concepts of self-acceptance, self-empowerment, and recognition of the unique beauty that comes from within.
Original title : Smile So Big