Amos Wilson
The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child
Are Black and White Children the same? Is the Black Child merely a White Child who 'happens' to be 'painted' Black? Are there any significant differences in the mental and physical growth and development of Black and White Children? What effects does race awareness have on the mental and personality development of Black Children? Are such leisure time activities as the playing of certain games, watching T.V., going to the movies, listening to the radio, hazardous to the mental health of Black Children? Is the use of Black English a sign of mental inferiority? Why do Black Children generally score lower than White Children on I.Q. tests? Do Black parents socialize their children to be inferior to White Children? Why have integrated schools and busing failed so many Black Children? If you have been looking for a single source which deals with these and related controversial questions from a black perspective, then this book may be the book for you. For between its covers, The DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY OF THE BLACK CHILD, the first of a UBCS series of books dealing with the growth, development, and education of the black child, in a scholarly but readily understandable way, forthrightly confronts these and other issues.